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Hello readers! I am Tuan Rosmaizatuakmal Tuan Manan. This blog is an educational blog fro my Digital and Media Communication subject. I currently in semester 5 in Kolej Profesional Mara Indera Mahkota, Kuantan.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

The Degree Of Happiness'-Betrand Russell

Bertrand Arthur William Russell (b.1872 – d.1970) was a British philosopher, logician, essayist and social critic best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. He is the person who wrote a book with the title of The Conquest of Happiness.

 Based on this article that I've read, this it was quite tough article to understand. What I able to understand the article is about the different perception and opinion about happiness for each people, as we know this about Bertrand Russel article.  So we just learnt and know what his opinions are. According to the article and based on what I read, the happiness is of two sorts: for the human being and for those who can read and write. Happiness also can be described in a simplest way.  Such as like on the first picture in the article, a HUMBLE farmer enjoying the fruit of his labor. In this article also, Russel talking about his childhood where as he known a man whose succeed in his business will bursting their happiness when the business digging wells. By right on 1885 the man got a vote for parliament and from what that he (Russel) trying to say, happiness is not about an intellectual instead not based upon belief in natural law, or any of the fad, fashion and creeds which intellectuals consider necessary to their enjoyment of life but its base on our physical vigor and knows well how to handle overcoming obstacle in our life.

He also stated that, the happiest of the present day are the men of science. Why he says so, because, many of the most of them are emotionally such as like eating and even marrying.  Even the scientist also has activities which utilizes his abilities to achieve the result not just to satisfy himself but also to the general people. Instead, Russel said in his article that those art people less happy than other people.

                In conclusion, in my opinion, for each people deserve to have their own happiness maybe in different way and we also as a human can’t determine people happiness base on their education, wealth or their intellectual. For sure we knows that for each of them are looking for their happiness.